At Last! A Multi-Millionaire Internet Entrepreneur Reveals ...
How to at Least Double Your Web Site
Conversion Rates and Revenue Using a
Technique Religiously Practiced by
19th Century Merchants
Closely Guarded by Today's Most Successful Online Marketers, This "Magic Ingredient" Allows You to...
- Build profitable customer relationships and create more evangelists
- Attract more pre-qualified leads ... without spending a dime more on advertising
- Craft more effective marketing copy ... with less human effort
- Minimize refunds and returns ... so profits soar
- Build authority quickly and extend your marketing reach
- Maximize your productivity, sales and profits ... while doubling your time off
Friday, February 14, 2025
Fr: Alex Mandossian
Dear Entrepreneur,
Are you tired of constantly spending time and money chasing after web site traffic, leads and customers ... without seeing a corresponding increase in your revenue?
Good news.
You're about to discover the "magic ingredient" that's given an exclusive group of marketers an almost unfair advantage over the rest of the Internet entrepreneurs.
This magic ingredient serves as an activator in the online marketing process ... exponentially increasing the pulling power of every tactic and tool you're using to market your products, services and events.
Without it ... you'll stay trapped in a rat race of working harder and spending more just to maintain the status quo. Your success will be sporadic. And you'll never earn the online income you deserve.
With it, though ... you can achieve the Internet dream that's been promised for so long. You can finally have an online business that churns out a steady stream of income day in, day out (even while you sleep).
You'll generate more leads, sales and customer evangelists from your current marketing efforts.
And you'll effortlessly and ethically create truckloads of influence ... the influence that generates tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars of sales within hours.
Shockingly, few Internet entrepreneurs recognize what this magic ingredient is ... even though it's been known to the business world for decades.
What Shopkeepers on the Prairie Frontier
Knew About Marketing Success
Although the Internet has dramatically increased the opportunities most entrepreneurs have by offering access to millions of customers around the world ... it's also dramatically changed how we interact with customers.
A century ago, merchants knew their customers. Not just their names and how to reach them ... but who they were.
Shopkeepers knew their customers' families, their histories, their pressing problems. They knew who had been blessed with good fortune ... as well as those who were down on their luck.
So when customers had problems and needs ... merchants didn't have to use outrageous gimmicks, mind-boggling promises and an obnoxious amount of pestering to seize attention and convince customers that they were trustworthy and the right person to help.
Customers already knew the business owners in their community. They already liked them. They already trusted them. That relationship gave merchants influence and authority ... making them the trusted resource that customers turned to.
Flash forward to 2025.
The Internet allows you to reach customers around the globe at any time of the day or night. You can specialize in delivering even the most obscure product, information or service ... and you have ready access to prospective customers at your finger tips.
You can cherry pick from dozens of tools to drive traffic to your web site. But once there, visitors don't take action.
Because they don't know you. They don't trust you. They don't always believe you. They don't remember who you are compared to the dozens of other online merchants hollering for their attention.
They can't shake your hand, look you in the eye, or get a sense of who you really are. They can't handle your merchandise or easily talk to neighbors who've already done business with you.
Which means they don't buy from you.
The bottom line: | The Internet has expanded our horizons and possibilities. But the price we pay for global reach is marketing intimacy. |
If you want to thrive online, you must find a way to replicate the intimacy of sales conversations and situations of years gone by.
That's why I'm writing.
$300M in Revenue Generated Via Electronic Marketing
Hi, my name is Alex Mandossian. I've earned a reputation as one of the world's leading electronic marketers because since 1991, I've generated over $300 million in sales and profits for my clients and partners via "electronic marketing" media such as TV Infomercials, online catalogs, 24-hour recorded messages, voice/fax broadcasting, Teleseminars, Webinars, Podcasts and Internet Marketing.
One of the most important things I've learned is that marketing and business success depends on relationships with your prospects and customers.
And the magic ingredient that determines the quality of a relationship and your influence in it is ... intimacy.
When I first launched my online business in 2001, I knew that I had to find a way to create the same intimacy online as you could create in a bricks-and-mortar business. I can confidently say that I succeeded and that intimacy is the "secret sauce" that infuses every aspect of a student's experience with my company.
As I built my company, I methodically examined every aspect of my business and interaction with customer to find ways to make the online experience more like a personal, face-to-face encounter.
It's paid off.
Intimacy Produces Bigger Results for Smaller Investments
By some measures, my company is small compared to other Internet marketers. I don't have a staff of 30, 40 or more people - I have 3 employees and outsource the rest to a small team of very reliable vendors.
Some consider my opt-in list of subscribers to be small. Although it's grown 500+% since I first started my business (especially in the past two years because of our focused efforts in this area) for a long time my list was considered microscopic compared to other Internet marketers who had 400,000 ... 700,000 ... and even a million names or more on their lists.
And my web site traffic is a blip compared to many of my Internet marketing compatriots. While my peers were generating tens and hundreds of thousands of web site hits each month ... my main site, for many years, had fewer than 100 visitors a day.
Yet I routinely outsell most of them.
When promoting other experts' events or product launches, I usually finish as the #1 affiliate ... generating more sales than other affiliates whose mailing lists dwarf mine.
My web sites outperform theirs ... converting more visitors into qualified opt-ins ... and then converting more leads into customers.
My list of subscribers spawns an unusually high percentage of customer evangelists ... students who not only buy from me time after time, but who also become ambassadors of my work, bringing more and more students to my business.
Results like these that have attracted the attention of thought leaders like Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, Les Brown, David Allen, Vic Conant, Brian Tracy, David Bach, Harvey Mackay, Robert Cialdini, Harv Eker, Bobbi De Porter, Michael Masterson, Joe Vitale, Gay and Katie Hendricks, Bob Proctor, and many others. I've personally consulted with Dale Carnegie Training, NYU, 1ShoppingCart Corp.,, Pinnacle Care, Strategic Coach, Trim Spa, Peak Potentials and many others.
These thought leaders and household brands sought my help to translate their "bricks and mortar" success into online marketing stardom ... paying consulting rates of up to $5000 an hour.
And now - with my Web Communication Secrets™ course -- you can access the same advice I share with them ... for the price you'd normally pay for 45 minutes of my personal attention.
Discover the Timeless Principles that Allow You to Build Marketing Intimacy and Lifelong Customer Relationships
Web Communications Secrets™ is a 6-module online training program that teaches the timeless principles I've used to create intimate online customer experiences and build lifelong relationships with my students.
You'll learn the most effective and reliable tactics that work today (the how of building intimate customer relationships). You'll also learn the principles that make these tactics work so well (the why).
Why is this important? When a tactic stops working as well as it once did or suddenly becomes unavailable to you (such as when lawmakers passed Do Not Fax legislation that seriously hampered marketers' ability to use fax marketing), you'll know what made it work ... and then be able to apply those same principles to other marketing tools.
Each module consists of 2+ hours of audio training plus an action guide crammed with detailed case studies. Listen online or download the recordings to your portable media player for on-the-go learning whenever and wherever you choose.
Module 1: | On-Page Secrets |
Discover how to use 9 different types of web pages to:
Module 2: | Off-Page Secrets |
Successful web communications is not only about what you do on your web site. You also must connect with prospects and customers via other marketing channels. Discover best practices for using:
Module 3: | Copywriting Templates |
"Copywriting" refers to the art of crafting the words you use to sell ... whether those words are used in print, electronically, in video or even in audio messages. Discover tried-and-proven tactics, such as:
Module 4: | Stick Strategy Secrets |
Too often, entrepreneurs consider a sale to be the finish line of their marketing efforts. Once a customer buys, they move on to the next prospect ... completely ignoring the precious customer who already bought once. The end result? Customers change their minds and ask for refunds ... or they move on to the next "bright shiny object" - the products and services sold by other experts.
Module 5: | Teleseminar Secrets |
Teleseminars remain one of the fastest, easiest and most reliable ways to build customer relationships and generate sales. Learn time-proven methods to:
Module 6: | Outsourcing Secrets |
If you want your business to be more than a job, you need to build a team of employees and/or vendors who can help you get more done. Discover my personal recommendations and strategies for:
Give Me Access, Alex! »
Let's take a closer look at everything you'll learn.
More Than 52 Strategies and Secrets
to Boost Your Online Marketing Success
Web Communication Secrets™ is jam-packed with valuable insights, techniques, strategies and tools you can use to achieve more with your existing marketing program. Take a look at the top 52 lessons you'll discover:
6 key elements of successful squeeze pages ... and the 1 element that is most likely to be presented incorrectly
Research shows that a certain segment of every database is 3.5 times more valuable than the average customer. Discover who these super-customers are ... and how to find them
An organic way to promote your business to friends and family without being pushy (this technique increases their openness to hearing about your business ... and also gives you priceless insight into how to promote your business to prospects)
The clever - and generous - way to stop web visitors from abandoning your site before they make their first purchase
One of the simplest ways to leverage your expertise to become an authority and influencer (even I didn't think of this until I visited this web site)
Using a head shot on your web site? You're probably suppressing your response rates - discover why and what to do instead
The most critical elements to include on your order page (most entrepreneurs aren't even aware that these exist)
The sneaky but completely ethical way to identify the top reasons your customers buy from you (I'll even show you how to use this invaluable customer research to write better promotional materials and increase sales)
3 revealing questions to ask new students to ensure that every training program you create exceeds their wildest expectations
The hands-down first thing you should do before creating a new product, service or training program (hint: this is NOT the way that most entrepreneurs approach product and business development)
The closely guarded secret that instantly improves your copywriting ability (this especially works wonders if you don't like to write ... and will literally rewire your brain)
The tool that allows you to access a more primitive part of the brain ... and how incorporating this proven customer-conversion tool helps you to connect with and persuade customers to buy
The elegant and cost-effective tool that trains prospects to anticipate and open your marketing messages
Want to eliminate product returns and event cancellations? Discover the 5-part process I've used for more than a decade
The most overlooked marketing strategy in existence right now (people who are dazzled by social media often dismiss this tool as outdated ... but in reality, it works like gangbusters, especially in the B2B environment)
The tiny, seemingly inconsequential detail that you should add to your follow-up messages to enhance trust with prospects and to build your reputation as an honest person
Standard marketing advice is to limit yourself to 1 call-to-action per marketing message - but I found an exception. Find out what it is and why it works
I'm ready to start »The inadvertent way that people remove themselves from your mailing list without even realizing it ... and the simple way you can prevent it from happening
The 2 things you must have to motivate your list to take action quickly (most marketers do only part 1 ... and as a result don't see the results they hope for)
Are you wary about overwhelming your list with email messages? Here's a great way to determine if a campaign is worth promoting with a solo email to your list
The 6 questions that will eliminate writer's block forever (which are most important and powerful depend on what you're promoting)
The types of introductory sentences you can use to open an email ... and why my favorite format is so powerful
The 2 powerful questions to ask on outbound calls to persuade wary prospects to make their first purchase (these proven questions are so easy to use that you can be horrible at persuasion and still close a record number of sales)
3 questions that will help you gain killer testimonials ... and how getting clients to answer them reduces the chance of a refund request
The most dangerous concept in marketing (hint: Edison used this to become one of the most successful and wealthy inventors in history)
The best - yet often overlooked - way to create compelling benefits that will automatically elicit your prospect's interest
The 4-part formula that maps out the way to irresistible sales copy (this proven recipe has been used for more than a century ... and it still works like gangbusters today)
Where most business owners fall flat on their face when trying to motivate prospects to take action now
Your most persuasive and influential copywriting strategy (the more detailed and specific you are when you are using this strategy, the better off you'll be)
Discover the web site that gives you priceless insights about which competitors are doing well online (hint: this is the exact same type of information that Sam Walton used to build Wal-Mart into a corporate giant)
The #1 reason people return the products they buy from you ... and the clever way to overcome this killer problem
The fatal error many business owners make when selling to customers ... and the mental shift that allows you to maximize the lifetime value of your clients, while also protecting your company's survival
A surprising way to reduce refund requests (as a bonus, you'll also increase your customers' lifetime value). The only "catch"? You have to start doing it today for it to work in the long haul
The final hurdle you must overcome when trying to win a sale ... and why this challenge is particularly problematic when your prospects live in metropolitan areas
Share your secrets, Alex! »Why the oldest form of marketing is also the most credible and cost effective (hint: it's a double-edged sword that can generate millions of dollars of revenue ... or kill your product before it barely gets launched)
The 2 important tasks you should never farm out to a virtual assistant ... and what to delegate instead
3 clever ways to reach out to reactivate past clients ... and what you can do starting today to ensure that they never leave again
The ridiculously easy way to increase your revenue (even when executed poorly, this technique will increase the size of 25% of your sales on average)
How wisdom shared by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates can help you attract top talent and build a team that is 100% committed to your company's success
Where to start when hiring vendors and employees to ensure you get great attitudes ... and how most business owners mess this up (as a result, they have high turnover and "problem children" employees that drain their energy and time)
Why the number of fans and followers you have is irrelevant ... and the truth about who really is influential when it comes to social media
Where to send new prospects first if you want them to return to your blog again and again
How to harness - and profit from - your prospects' natural desire to goof off at work
The fastest way to capture more of your customers' minds, hearts and bookshelves
How to prevent students from abandoning you in favor of another teacher ... without spending a single minute more on teaching, marketing or product development
The 6 most important principles of ethical influence that teleseminars utilize naturally
The surprising advice you need to hear if you're confused about which is the best technology to use when generating leads online
Webinars are the rage right now ... but discover 3 reasons why teleseminars may still be the best choice for your business
10 distinct ways that successful entrepreneurs are different (adopt these strategic ways of focusing on your business and you're practically guaranteed to thrive)
The 3 most important responsibilities a leader has ... and how diligently practicing these skills will strengthen your team and grow your profits
The 6-word mantra that should guide the growth of your team - practice this faithfully and you're guaranteed to attract top talent
The 4-part hiring process that will allow you to sift through job candidates in record time to pick out the very best (hint: Toyota used this to build a world-class company)
And much more...
I'm Convinced, Alex! Give Me Access »More Than $32,700 in Bonus Gifts Reserved for You
To help you maximize what you learn during Web Communication Secrets™ and implement the lessons as quickly as possible, I've reserved the following bonus gifts for you.
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Fan Page Profits See More » You'll discover:
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List-Building Templates See More » |
(A $1,000 Value) |
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Web Templates See More » |
(A $15,300 Value) |
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Online Web Buttons See More » |
(A $1,000 Value) |
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WordPress Training Videos See More » |
(A $149 Value) |
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Recording Rights to Online Marketing Secrets™ See More » |
(A $497 Value) |
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Legal Agreement Templates See More » |
(A $5,500 Value) |
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Tested Email Templates See More » |
(A $4,500 Value) |
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Mastermind Membership See More » |
(A $2,500 Value) |
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Access to My Private Vendor Network See More » |
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Glossary of Electronic Marketing See More » |
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Give Me Access, Alex! »
6 Free Copywriting Resources
Copywriting is one of the most important tasks that you must perform to succeed with web communication. For many entrepreneurs, it's also the most frustrating. To shorten your learning curve, I've compiled 6 free resources to help you master this essential skill:
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Copywriting Guide See More » |
(A $79 Value) |
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Article Writing Guide See More » |
(A $79 Value) |
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2001 Greatest Headlines Ever Written See More » |
(A $49.95 Value) |
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Robert Collier's Million Dollar Sales Letters See More » |
(A $79 Value) |
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The Eugene Schwartz Headline Swipe File See More » |
(A $79 Value) |
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Eugene Schwartz lecture See More » |
(A $79 Value) |
I'm ready to improve my web communications »
Discover Universal Principles You'll Use
the Rest of Your Career
Web Communication Secrets™ incorporates best practices from a variety of disciplines, including sales, marketing, relationship building, psychology and copywriting.
Rather than teaching you tactics with a limited shelf life, Web Communication Secrets™ delivers timeless principles that you can apply to any business and any online selling situation from now until you permanently retire.
These are the best practices I've culled and distilled since 1991. I've skinned my knees to figure out what really works when building customer relationships in a virtual environment. And Web Communication Secrets™ offers a well-defined "short cut" that you can take to greater online success.
To amass this level of knowledge and understanding, I've attended more than 300 training seminars, read more than 3000 books, studied with dozens of teachers and mentors, and master-minded with dozens more of my industry peers.
All told, I've invested well over 10,000 hours and $150,000 on my online marketing education.
You could certainly cobble together your own personal education program to learn this information piece by piece.
But if you're a strategic entrepreneur ... you've already recognized that the far smarter approach is follow in the footsteps of people who have already blazed a trail and mastered what you want to learn.
That's why it makes sense to access the best practices, case studies, and hard-won lessons I've learned by ordering Web Communication Secrets™ for a mere $2,997.
Now, I don't know what you're selling and at what price point. So I can't tell you how long it will take to recoup your investment or how well you'll do when you use my time-tested strategies.
You can do that math yourself. (In fact ... do it now: figure out how many sales it will take to recoup your investment of $2,997.)
If you're like most entrepreneurs I know ... it will take only a handful of sales to produce a positive return on the investment you make today.
That's not counting the money you'll save when you begin increasing your web site conversion rates ... allowing you to acquire more leads, first-time customers and repeat sales from your existing marketing budget.
And the best part is ... your investment is risk-free.
You're Protected by My
Famous Win/Lose Guarantee
Invest now in Web Communication Secrets™ and take the next 30 days to go through every nook and cranny of the course. Listen to the audios, use the action guides to organize and implement all you learn, go through the bonus trainings to see my strategies in action, and put the templates to work in your business.
If you don't agree that Web Communication Secrets™ delivers strategies, tools and tips that will boost your online marketing success, I insist that you let me know (by contacting my help desk at so I can issue a prompt refund of your entire investment.
You WIN by learning what you can within those 30 days, and I LOSE a student for life ... but I do hope we'll still part as friends.
If you agree that's fair, get instant access to Web Communication Secrets™ now.
That's fair, Alex! Give Me Access »Gain the Competitive Advantage that Will
Put You at the Top of Your Industry
Each day, more entrepreneurs are realizing what a tremendous opportunity the Internet presents. Which means that each day ... your competition for prospective customers' minds, hearts and wallets grows.
The key to surviving in an increasingly competitive marketplace is to stand out.
As someone who has generated more than $300 million in sales and revenues ... I can assure you that the timeless principles you discover in Web Communication Secrets™ will make you as successful as the proprietor of the only general store in 100 miles was in the 1800s.
Discover the secrets to creating intimate relationships with lifelong customers. Order your copy of web Communciation Secrets™ today.
All good wishes,
Alex Mandossian, Chief Instructor
Web Communication Secrets™
P.S. |
The investment you make in Web Communication Secrets™ is an investment that will pay dividends the rest of your life. You'll discover the timeless principles that make today's hottest tactics and tools hum. And you'll be able to effortlessly apply these very same principles to other tools that are introduced in coming months and years. Grab your copy today. |
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